

主营: 辊道窑,陶瓷窑炉,隧道窑,工业炉窑,梭式窑,蜂窝陶瓷炉窑

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企业等级: 普通会员
经营模式: 生产加工
所在地区: 江苏 无锡
联系卖家: 张 先生   
手机号码: 13915373458
公司官网: yxxqly.tz1288.com
公司地址: 宜兴市和桥开发区


发布时间:2018-01-20 16:27:00        作者:兴强公司


Comparison of electric furnace and flame kiln


The comparison from the basic principle of thermal.


Flame furnace fuel combustion heating, so the need for the calculation and calculation of combustion equipment and combustion of fuel; fuel combustion to supply combustion air, combustion products need to be discharged outside the kiln, so need to calculate the kiln gas flow, flow resistance, pressure head transformation, calculation of ventilation equipment etc.. Electric heating furnace is generally through the electric heating element converts electrical energy into heat energy to electric heating element selection, element size calculation, power supply and control equipment selection and calculation of fuel burning; because there is no problem, so there is no need to c***ider the supply of air, excluding the combustion products and ventilation equipment. In the kiln heat, flame furnace is the main combustion product gas radiation heat transfer and forced convection heat transfer, electric furnace is mainly solid heat radiation and natural convection heat transfer of electric heater, which is the basic way of the two kinds of kiln in the main heat transfer of different. But if the requirements of the electric furnace cooling products or exclude products in the burning gas generated in the process and maintain the pressure inside the kiln system, calculation of ventilation equipment need heating kiln, the kiln has forced convection heat transfer.


The main advantages and disadvantages from the structure and operation comparison


Electric heating furnace without burning equipment, do not need ventilation equipment, generally has the advantages of simple structure, small occupied area, heating space, space thermal high strength, high thermal efficiency, the kiln products from flue gas and ash and so on, to achieve precise control of temperature, so the product quality is good firing in the kiln, at any pressure conditi*** (high pressure or vacuum heating) products or special conditi***, can obtain high temperature flame furnace to achieve the above 2000 DEG C. Not electric furnace section size is too large, otherwise the kiln section temperature distribution more uneven than the flame furnace, the heating furnace of the firing of large, thick wall products such as negative, yield is not large, the electric furnace attached to electrical equipment complex, electric heating element c***umption, electricity is expensive, and some to use electric heating element in the protective atmosphere.


The comparison from the cost


Generally speaking, the equipment and operating costs of the fuel furnace are relatively low, while the equipment and operating costs of the electric heating furnace are relatively high. But in the kiln atmosphere and temperature control, the electric furnace is more advantageous. Therefore, the non controllable atmosphere of high temperature furnace is mostly fuel furnace, and the larger the capacity of the kiln, the more proportion of the fuel furnace. Ceramic products with small size and high prices, such as special ceramics or products that need to be treated with controlled atmosphere, are inclined to use electric heating furnace. In addition, the electricity resource rich region, the price is cheap, but also c***ider the use of electric heating furnace.


Yixing City Hing strong furnace industry Co., Ltd.


Professional kiln manufacturing company

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